Wednesday 10 July 2013

Prescopodene: Let’s talk about something serious

There is no secret that you need to burn calories in order to lose weight. The fact has been tested, proven and has been hallmarked in letter red that in order to lose weight you need to burn more calories than you actually take. Possibly you know the fundamental concept of weight loss that you really need to effectively burn calories to more than what you consume for achieving your desired weight. And this is exactly where Prescopodene plays its part as a one stop solution for your weight management program.

Honestly, the very basic law which governs whether you gain or lose weight has its connection with the first law of Thermodynamics, which clearly reveals that energy can never be created or destroyed but can only, be transformed from one form to another. Of course the whole concept is complex however when it boils down to weight loss or weight management program, the theory gains a profound dimension because calories can be explained easily according to its basic theory and principle. Your body weight has a deep and undeniable connection with the calories you take and the calories you burn.

So, what’s calorie anyway?

In one simple line, calorie which is typically referred on the nutrition level of your food product is basically a unit of energy. Scientifically speaking, a calorie is typically the overall amount of energy which is required or raising the temperature of 1 liter of water by let’s say around 1 degree C. So, when you eat food, you basically consume the energy which is stored within the carbohydrate, protein and fat molecules of the food item. 

With this the next significant question hangs oddly – how does the calorie being used by your body?

To be honest, your body either has to store the calorie or has to burn it. And this is exactly how the overall effect of calories on the body can be illustrated as per the thermodynamics law. Just like energy simply changes form and cannot be destroyed or created similarly calories inside your body can be never destroyed as it simply changes the form.

Prescopodene – your secret formula for Weight loss

The fact is thus undeniable that you need to burn calories and the clinical testing of the state of the art Prescopodene has helped in accelerating the calorie burning process.

Dr. Robert Johnson, Ph.D., at the Obesity Research Clinic, in a 3 months study gave Prescopodene to 297 participants to see whether or not they experience an accelerated calorie burn. To his utter astonishment he noticed that the participants lost 8 kgs of excess weight within the 12th week time frame. 

The study clearly reveals the fact that the product has produced results, which is approximately 9 times greater than any other tested supplement.

Moreover there is hardly any Prescopodene scam hence it can be used by anyone whoever is keen on losing weight safely and quickly.

Prescopodene stands as a staggering combination of different types of active and natural ingredients, which are known for raising the metabolism rate. Yes it has green tea, ginger root and grape seed extract and also contains the ground breaking combination of vitamin B6, vitamin C and magnesium, which since ages have been labeled as the ‘must’ ingredients to the weight loss process.

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